Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Appology to a friend

Rush to the flood of wings and migration, rush to the burried graves, rush to hear the singing angels above us, and the glory of the untamed days.
By and by the whithered depths came fleeing to my side, hard among the dampened glitter, a beast below its side
Towards the darkened bitter gash , my eyes turned slowly by, and fought to sunder, passed fury thunder the voice that called my name
Who , shouted I, who dare, who dare come this close, who dare step these dark demises and folly in my game?
I saw you- slight smile on your face- unscathed by death- hands- not knowing what to do- with all my old learned rage, I turned without sorrow
I turned unhurt, but stonger. If I wielded a sword- forgive me friend, said I, mine was drawn in defense, and I know you would never draw on me.

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