Sunday, March 29, 2009

E mail to a friend is a good one-
So we decide to stop in at Dunkin D ( a maybe if you are lucky, two times a year thing, 'cause we are pretty organic food-ers 98%) with the kids after a adult art topic kind of meeting on Saturday aternoon-
So, we walk in- 2 people at 2 registers- White guy not doing such a great job- mixes up order for lady infront of me numereous times, till the girl 3 making the order cant stand to hear the poor girl ordering say it again, and shoots in loudly
"I got it I got it"
" She's got it" says the cashier to the girl ahead of us.
The other person at the 2nd register is a
Black girl- available- standing beside cashier dude one, but totally passive, doesnt attend me, stands there for the entire order of person in front of us( me and kids) slightly in front of the available register, but body angled toward the guy, like she was just hanging out waiting till he finished - I think- humm look at that, that is odd, okay- never assume anything- maybe there is a reason, maybe he's training, and she is guiding, maybe its cause I'm an out of town-er, maybe Im too white, mabye Im not local or something. He seemed to be doing well enough with the machine , just couldnt get the order straight,so I couldnt figure it out, She 'could' take me...anyway, I just wait- see what happens..humpty pum, I take a breath.
Sofie ( my kid) says " Buy 6 get 6 free" or something like that, is the offer
"Really " I say in incredulous disbelief. Hell I dont want 12 doughnuts for 3 kids, blach. Our turn,'
"Hi, can I have 6 Boston Cremes please?" adding the "I dont want the other 6"
Guy at the regiter says
" You dont want the other 6?"
" No" I say looking at the girl, (the passive register girl now with gloves on and serving out the doughnuts as he attends the till), I say,
" Make you feel sick" she totally agrees. But then I say
" Do you want them?" to the guy at the register, he kind of tilts his chin back, and I move on- The girl- yuck says her face like saying 'makes me sick too', so I immediately swing around and ask the blond lady behind me
" Do you want my other 6 ?" a man behind her looks interested,
" You?" I say. She steps closer
"yeah Ill take them, got 7 kids at home, and one over t' visit" The guy at the register says
" Your gonna give em to my folks!!!" with a funny who's the winner kind of awkward, proud, 'go figure smile.
Yeah, phew pawned them off on someone who actually has a use of them( and my kids wont have a belly ache-sugar hype (as massively anyhow)) . Kind of uncomfy wanting to dissapear into invisibility with all eyes on us, till we actually get cashed out, ok transactions done, our box to us, napkins in hand Do I leave a tip? I ask myself, and answering myself, no, there was no service I guess. A small head nodding
" Thank you mam" as we pass by the happy winner of an extra 6 doughnuts.
" Thank You " I say, with a 'hey your doing me the favor' tone , without even making eye contact, wanting to get the 'h' out of there asap.
My thing about the back girl not serving me, even though her register seemed available, clicking with her in the 'Yuck' doughnuts thing, the wierdness of offers,spending, gifting, and watching the kids lick thier chocolate sticky fingers,and slowly uncovering the smooth creamy center with total precautions as not to let a single blob drop to the muddy mini van spring mud seasoned floor, with no hope of retrieval with a single slip of the fingers carefully holding them, it all seem just funny as I hit the stop light and hung a left onto rte 66.

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