Saturday, October 2, 2010

As one we are
My God and I.
With this inside me
Nothing else compares.
No, church in beauty.
No, poverty stricken street.
No, tears of loss.
No, child's smile

Follow me as
I follow you.
Conquered as fear
Dispelled by love,
No, my heart in truth
No, your one word
No, bliss of faith
NO, moor of unity

Your gift to me
Is the one I
Give to you peace
Stronger than dreams
Never to be alone
No, beside you borne
No, in your arms
No, tender and tall
No, drinking aromatic

Spellbound fortune
My star of fate
Dear one my gratitude
And sweet consternation
Always yours will be
No, simple and bare
No, tearful and warm
No, mild and won
No, my heart says to you,
Dear love.

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