Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ale Maria Jheri

Was there a part of that desert sky
Where I perpetrated as thief comfort
Did I entrust my autonomy to the clouds
Did I clasp and clutch them disregarding
Open eyes that saw me too clearly mad
The crazy wind is my horse mustang
And that thunder does not pause for morning
Did I love that dust without collateral
My senses desiring black wingless night
Did you see that angel on the glim horizon
As I passed?
It knew the despair and grief of all mankind
It knew the sorrow you posted on the gate to
My empty house where I live no longer haunted
Reckless heart of mine beating all paths blindly
To forgive the one,
to wash my curse
In the name of the spirit
In the name of justice
In the name of freedom
In the name of the father
in the name of the son.
Did I kill the hawk that circled and wanted me
Did I entrust myself to the wrong idols in this temple
Was I king to the vagrant dualism of dark earth
Was I this being without light nor guided reason
How now on bare feet in running ground cracked
This expanse of spell binding silence on and on
Across the same sand meeting the un reachable destiny line
Heart beats blinding me from the sun I hide apart
This one dance I cheat you for as I escape all binds
Between deserving and undeserving understanding
I watch this dawn become my breathing
I listen as my hearing becomes the wind
I feel as this song becomes my heart
Inseparable to any man, any love, any wish.
Is this my dream awakening as sodder in my mouth
Wanting rain to wash my quiet mouth loose of words.
Stuck in veins back and forth those birds fly me high.
This desert safe is mine mended and tailored to suit
Able to ignore my tears and see me not as I bleed spirit
Song unto the folds of natures hidden place
Carrying me home to its soul call bidding me to hold
It faithful as the true believer I follow it down
Was it because I was Holding its hand
Was it because the sun was shining on someone else's day
was it fraudulent to call you this my, this my love.
There is peace spilling over the lie, a garment in folds of air
There is tenderness foolishly childlike and barren
Step over me, come to me, meet me down,
Ill cry mercy in all the right places as you carry me in

Friday, October 15, 2010

Press Play while reading the post below

Universal Man

Blood to blood I know you all powerful
My power against all your wrong doing
My distance in you is unforgiving all seed
My father is in me and who I am
You cannot separate my sex, it is my given
And yet I am man as you are woman.
I want to abuse your power as you have
Abused mine, but choosing no blood shed
Love flows into the roadside grates
As I watch you World unfold into deepest turmoil
Belonging to each other with killing hearts
My thousand years, my sword and shield, my hard hand
Dry unto the falling hatred of black skies above.
Cold to the dawn of murder you bring me as offering
I feel the power of the millennia coursing my veins
For your pleasure- you think the red morning pleases?
Beaten warrior.
My vengeance is my peace,
May it foil your wicked thoughts.
Taking not of my body
Nor my womans' softness.
Bearing my breast ever wrongful to your King.
For he dies in my arms, Ive seen him too many times
Hide behind the walls of his gift of exuberant torture.
As he continues to rape and pillage my native soil.
Bombarding all boundaries of earth so blindly.
Dont expect me to treat you soft, for you lie.
Showing me your cruel skin to be thief of a womans warmth.
Venom in my womb as it is kissed wanting you.
Wash the blood from me, wash the world clean,
Born again within the origin of true justice.
Fool me never again.
This my son, my brother, my father, my lover.
Fearlessly I stand before you painless and strong.
Though I die by your hand it is my true liberty
Which caries me beyond you evermore freely fallen
Witness to the sacred vow of unity forever blessed.

Monday, October 11, 2010


And lifting all burdens of sorrow
Flight comes willingly alighting
On a window near the center woods
Blossomed and raptured in fragrance
Billowed clouds rush entwined in blue
Warmth by your eye freely flowing
River's song to to quiet sea bird
Nesting white lines foaming dancer
Willingly running rays setting sun
Beams through skin touching as
Far as hills of willow and birch
Tears shedding light wandering
Footfalls to carry night into
Arms gracefully covered in dew
Drops upon knees in sweet prayer
Towers hover God's name engraved
Upon budding cheeks and lips
whisper deeply secret beauty pausing
Quietly as becoming clear to rain
Suddenly on earth;s wanting mouth
Blissfully caught and held, on
and on
and on
and on.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

As one we are
My God and I.
With this inside me
Nothing else compares.
No, church in beauty.
No, poverty stricken street.
No, tears of loss.
No, child's smile

Follow me as
I follow you.
Conquered as fear
Dispelled by love,
No, my heart in truth
No, your one word
No, bliss of faith
NO, moor of unity

Your gift to me
Is the one I
Give to you peace
Stronger than dreams
Never to be alone
No, beside you borne
No, in your arms
No, tender and tall
No, drinking aromatic

Spellbound fortune
My star of fate
Dear one my gratitude
And sweet consternation
Always yours will be
No, simple and bare
No, tearful and warm
No, mild and won
No, my heart says to you,
Dear love.