Never been here before
Never stayed out on a Sunday
Never drank in the scene of the film
on a Sunday
Never sat with you on a Sunday
never showed my face on a Sunday
Never shouted on a Sunday
Never showed you what it meant on a Sunday.
Never possessed the words it took on a Sunday
By these broken jammed wilderness yawns
By the huddles thorough thoughts
un -chopped in hesitance
Non featured in the daily
Was it the tone in your voice
the sound of your pause
the breath you took in between
what could be , maybe love
that not as a toy, not as a crutch
not as something I threw out yesterday.....
could it boogies beyond the walls and streets of this town??
Could it serve breakfast as a clown-
who knew what evidence it would produce as you simply sat by me
or I sat simply by you
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