Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Broken heart sweet

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever fall in love ever again
so completely as it did once when we were then
Glowing in one another's' dreams
Sparkling in the ripples of the lakes tears
and walking through the tunnels of kind bliss
I still mourn your loss which was so long ago now
If I could have those days back again
Id take them
Barefoot and bear breasted in the rain
of your arms sweet
candle light on your cheek in the house by the river
where mold grew beautiful and green on our wall
next to the most beautiful bed I ever lay
night air warm in wine and love
the music rings in me like it were today
and yet it was half a life time ago now
I dont regret having loved you then
as I do now
Will I ever know true love again?

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