Sunday, July 5, 2009

the Fool

Its all inside, words, thoughts and more thoughts
stuck between the walls of my head, stuck inside my heart like glue
that dont want to show themselves
Fleeting moments of clarity come rushing in and pause
just long enough for me to grab them , hold them
look at them for a second and then they are gone again , never to be retrieved
The sadness I feel today is of loss, and recognizing the loss
as I question so many things. There has been no devision in my world in my own mind. Entruega total to deceive myself of things that will never be. Why when we know things do we still go ahead? Why do we need to confirm what we already will be a certain way. The looser will always make sure he/she looses, unless in understanding his/her routine of loss.
Why when with riches are we sometimes so poor inside?Why when a table is set with hardly any food may it be sometimes the grandest moment shared?
I will stand tall, true and clear, for I have done no wrong.

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