Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cunning America hides in the tombs of its predecessors,
too nimble to thumb its own hand,
digging from the graves of its innocent.
America hands itself to the deaf,
roars at the sheepish,
dies before the virgins
floods itself in youth,
never trusting the wisdom of the wrinkled
elders to whom the land belonged.
It dies before Rome,
It falters before the emperor of East,
It knows not is production nor its waste,
gauging the deaf for hints of their hides.
Trying to kiss the fur,
of seals in dead harbors,
of bits of its garbage in its belly fishing,
of hurracanes that hold no.........

NO information the CIA will take into connsiddeation
So many things have been written about America
what would mine be?

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