Sunday, November 28, 2010

Leave me alone with God

Lift me from this fallen sky
Broken hearted
Ashes of these burnt fires
My eyes still see it as they did
When I was a child- why dont people believe it is possible??
God's true gift in me to see what few others do.
I am told not to see it by my world, these everyday practices dont want it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

An old one from an email to a friend Feb 2009

Seems Im always stuck on something, the name and person changes. Why do I crave? choose lovers that are impossible? I kick myself in the ass.

Of the wayside Heart

The burrow of air does not resemble,
That I know.
Palpating pebbly blind paths ambles
Folding mist.
Into tucked arms and wraps by the
Sunless sighs.
Comfortable without you kindly
Who I never
Had in parish streets tended by cobble
Thick wine and breath.
What are we?
Shaping one another endlessly
Formless destination.
Subdued penalty of deep desire
Not gormless charity.
Societal embalmer of emotion past
The road behind.
Mind evolving trumpeted triumphant
Do with or without.
Beyond petty reasons of wanting this
The bend beckons me
To dream of what is beyond its curve
Stand nevermore.
Neither wait nor be waited for evermore
Fisher nor bait.
You will never know how much I
Haunt you with
panic, desire, rejection, and embrace you
Never and again

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thou shalt not

Thou shalt not tread on
The tears of others
Nor bear weapons of hatred
Thou shalt not take that
which is not given
Nor carry false notice
Thou shalt not create
Fear in another
Nor harm those who believe
Thou shalt not gain
From another's suffering
Nor speak against innocence
Thou shalt not spoil drink
With poisoned wishes
Nor take bread from broken hands
Thou shalt not take abode
In darkened places of power
Nor pelt the weak with dominion
Thou shalt not own vanity
Front of eager mirrors
Nor celebrate bloodshed
Thou shalt not deny love's
Desire of becoming
Nor pause to doubt it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day I drink you in
Every fluttering wing
All clouds moving
Leaves blowing hereby
Your creatures breath
Your windy willows
Your air meandering
Day you give to me
Heartbeats on the hill
Patterns in voices
Roses sleeping deep
Curves of hawks circle
Rich dormant soil
Savors touching tongue
Laughter to embrace
Tears to touch
Peace within
Strength without
as you become my night.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wretched reeds
Toads tripping
me up
Why all this
Knee deep
Sloppy mud
Im all snagged
In brambles
One more time
Just feels
Unbearably long
All this sweet
Air doesnt
Suit my humor
At all
Grumpy as fog
Grumbly as dog
Fish and muster
Up one more
Chance to say
Sorry I just
Not today
Im just foul,
And I dont
mean "bird"
Yeah I know
Today makes
Tomorrow better
but for now
Ill keep
on stinking.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My goodbye poem to you,

Serenity crested arching over me
Like those crystal clear waterfalls
And swirling deep colored pools
Bringing the bearer of light quietly
Through the chasms of older days
Where the mighty shine eyes ere foot fall.
Each heart beating together as token
To bearings of calm and love renewed
To every calling inward knowing whisper
The hand turns willingly to deed anointed
Into the rose bosom unfurled as dawn sky
Uniting in mans' earthly touch and tread
Threads binding echoes of divinity exposed
To the journey purposefully given unto him
Though striving blood reaches high
To seek nature beyond lucid folding image
Clasped attention to unseen paths
Two that become one before all greatness
Holding a universal awe respectfully near
Each ray traveled toward sun and back
Unanimously stars decide fortunate men
and the listener still as dew notices
Infinite detail in their ever bearing beauty.