Monday, May 31, 2010

A complaint is
a personal discomfort
therefore it is also
key to listen to yourself
when you have a complaint
for it is yourself
My complaint
has taught me
that it is my voice
speaking, and though
it says my complaint
may be about you
My complaint is my
self complaint.
Discomfort within me>
I realized after my last
Just how much I truly appriciate
knowing what inside me drives
motive to complaint
and therefor
I need only recognize it
listen inwardly and take
it for what it is
Neither binding you nor I to it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Im always outside
Outside your love
My heart drenched
In rain of sorrow
Unable to manifest
Something better
A world divided
Before my cry
You reflect the
world and the
world reflects you
In me separated
the one I'll never have
though I pour myself
my heart is broken.
Though I stood tall
Before you was I
Always to be broken?
I who never was
shape myself bleakness
I only want your love.
Hide me beneath
Hide me in truth
Dont let me fall
dear fulfilled world
as I know you I will cry.
I know it will come
to my door, but not you.
That someday no tears
Will wet my arms.
I stand outside.
In all weather.
Would someone
give me shelter?
There is but one
who hears my suffering.
Myself God
Will I someday be free
of it myself?
And mean while
I cant let you
know these my
private words.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Free to bear happiness
that inside me may grow
loving kindred spirit.
Torn away, my habbit friend,
who like drunkard wined
with me I know intoxication
Though I wished it joyful.
Still if once before
I may not settle nor ignore
that I saw nor that which is.
The road has but one way
I can take and speak
of it no more.