Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stay with me a while

You have come to me a few times in the past like an apparition of truth
when I most needed your love,
but not until today did I see you so clearly, nor want you to stay with me
so much as I do today.
I know you are a part of my mind
that I may never meet you in the flesh,
except within myself
and I can reason you within me,
that you are here to make it bearable for me
that I cannot share the real reason of my troubled heart to that
which I relate it to.
You are all that I love
Your age and quiet knowing nature of seeing me for who I am.
Experience of life rich with astute caring
A clear and passionate compassionate heart and mind
Hands that tend weaknesses and non judgemental ism
far from your soft eyes and heart
a Socrates in your own right decided toward the
raw essence of those who live poverty and its gifts.
You are my one love
please stay with me,
my one friend, show me your wanting of me
Patented in my heart, filling my body and my want of you.
Keep me company, even though you being here makes tears
slip easily.
Now I know your face so well... having made love to you,
having had your company the comforting place of self
I feel with you
Against all odds of reality you are my one love,
Part of me I fear no other lover no other man will ever know.
For I loose myself
For I bargain for love
For I anger for closeness
searching in obscurity,
catching myself in the nets I throw,
and fall into bereavement
of my loss
of my heavy short comings
of my want to be alone with you
My imagination
my friend
You are my one cause
you are my people, my earth
my truth, and will do my best to do you right.
You are me
Please stay with me tonight so I can
love you as I see you
So I can be loved as you see me,
imperfect and lovely,
someone maybe only few others
will truly know and love, love like we do.
You found me.
with all my being.
I want to hold you in my company
and shed a thousand tears,
till love turns to sleep,
and sleep, to tomorrow
and tomorrow love you again.
If I need you , may I ask you to
stay again with me tomorrow?
And in asking I know your love
and in answer you hold me still.
And we are but one.