Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I have shoudered the landscape,
Where termites cross the plateau to find the woods.
Where weeping wilows crack under the harsh ice.
Where snow floods the bottomless houses of the rich and poor alike.
The caverns and crevices that noticed me standing there,
Gave out a light only beggers know how to percieve.
As donkeys carried thier weight and double
Crushed under the sketal figures of thier owners hunger.
As the faces of joy turned towards the dusky Sunday churches,
Wrapped in best attire of hope and faith of something better.
As the dead lay wrapped in loss' tearfilled clothes,
And the candles' perfume rising, filling, lighting
Cheeks of mothers, cheeks of children, fathers, brothers.
The elders, draped in wrinkes, whitened hair and silently
Knowing the toll of life upon thier post and posistion facing
Sunrise, facing the corssing of the channel, birthing unto
The world an unspoken kindness toward the beloved dream.
Fresh fruits covered the tables at noon, wildly lush, aromatic
Vapors rising under small hands that reached them quickly.
The streets crazed haven, dirt smooted, feces laquered, perfume sprayed, box clustered, glue sniffing,farmer laden,diesel fumes black, drug smuggling, police corrupted gospel loving, child working, tie wearing town
Where the distant mountains saluted bconing from afar,
Towering over the scooped out dives below, giants calling,
Here we go onward, here we look out to sea, here fall to earth
Here look toward heavenly stars.
Cant you let go of the grip, as lemons fall bumping dust,
As dogs roam and zig zag, tucked tortillas lie on plates,
Baby watches the sun go down on its mothers' hair, wont another
Day bring rain? Wont Easter come again? Wont the weather tell us
where we are, wont the trees bend and whisper once again ?
so I close my eyes deeply...drifiting...to sleep.

Monday, December 29, 2008


If it were not so slick, it would have been gruesomly painful
On this hurried way of mischief, the undertow of wet, seeped, alcohol laden
Standing crooked by the wayside hollow of small hours sly warning
It walks below the edges of drifting snow and drunken laughter
Reflected in the side way windows too elegant to purchase
too laden with gold and memories of a people who couldn't
The sippery stairs holding lovers in thoughtful corners, in oversized love jackets that may be grown into on some lucky day
Friends dance too close for public comfort, drugs slide down inside of boots, down tongues, down the river, dead as night
Police stand guarding themselves with tight, strong voices as if the wall they talk over be too tall to ever get out of
Young girls parade thier happy legs in heels that pick the wood broken glass floor, and taughter in hip swings and colliding aromatic hair before thier pair
It shouldnt ever be day...I should always have more to put on the bar...your hand should stay around my waist...this song should never end...I should never go to sleep...my cup should be full...and you , you look just like my sweet love making...who said it was true?


It wasnt until I became a hawk that I knew how sharp my tallons were,
how they picked up the destroyed remains of my burden and conquest.
Though I hovered above the greatest sadness' gripping sure my beloved grace,
I followed the current of the shadowed places, becoming all that I knew myself to be without light.
Solemn in the dark sky shimmering, the glistening tortured sounds of your voice blew across the current at my front,
as frightened doves before my haughty wing beat.
I never guessed that my circle would so completey consume me,
I never imagined the tearing of feathers before my decent
I never paused to check soaring thoughts before I flew into
The heart of its solitary notion misguided.
I paused once, just as dawn hit my breast , felt the fleeting warmth
Felt the pulse of veins unwinding through me, for the first time.
My seething heart was calmly true, gaudy,rough, rougish, and chiding.
This, thought I inwardly, was no way to dream, no way to give reason
Nor purspose. And trees stood pine fallen, and rivers flowed rock sliding
And skies curved white climbing, untill the soar of my being reached the devine
Vastness, undefined boundless, opening up to encompass my heart in its stellar beauty.